Monday, November 6, 2017

Angels & Weight Loss

A Month of Angels

Angels & Weight Loss

From the book
 Angel Answers by Connie Dohan
(Money Angels, Healing Angels and Weight Loss Angels)
available on

Weight Loss with the Angels

Copyright Connie Dohan 2015
Weight Loss &; Balance &; the Angelic Realm

Before we dive in, let’s identify the major players. Although angels are multi-taskers and can assist with diverse situations, they do have areas they specialize in.

For weight loss and balance, we look to one archangel and one higher ranked angel.

An archangel is an angel of high rank (the 8th order of the nine celestial hierarchy system).

The seven archangels are:   

Raphael is the archangel we consult and call on when we are trying to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

The higher ranked angel who assists us in the healthy weight endeavor is Metatron.  Metatron’s rank is never specified but he is considered to be the highest ranking angel.  He sits at the side of God as his scribe and is referred to as the King of Angels.

More about Raphael

Raphael comes from the Hebrew meaning “God heals”.  He is the supreme angelic healer.  He is known to assist surgeons, doctors and nurses.

 He is recognized as the angel for all aspects health.  This covers all areas of bodily health including weight loss, gain & balance. He heals all aspects – body, mind & spirit as well as brings all aspects of the psyche into alignment and balance.

His main color is green.  He has a second associated color of yellow.  Most often he exudes a color of green or yellow green.

Raphael’s day of the week is Wednesday and he is especially present in the life path of those born on Wednesday.  As well he frequents Wednesday death beds.
Signs from Raphael

If you are looking for signs that Raphael is near or that he has heard your prayer, you can expect the “usual signs” of angelic presence – feathers, floral scents etc.

You can also identify Raphael near you by the following:
1.        The presence of green or yellow-green in sparks or flashes out of the side of the eye; front on, your 3rd eye would see green colored streaks.
2.        Seeing his name in unusual places –Raphael’s Diner, St. Raphael’s Elementary School, for example.
3.        Seeing a green clad angel or green mist in a dream.
4.        Finding books with his name on – Dollar Store, thrift shop, book sales, libraries etc.
5.        Sensation of heat and / or tingling in the body as a whole or specifically in the body part receiving healing.
6.        Perceiving a green mist around a person or object or seeing a person object emitting a green hue or glowing neon green.
7.        Raphael’s number is 22.  You will know he is present if this number abound in your day – phone numbers, addresses, license plates, billboards etc.

Connect with Raphael

As Raphael is an angel, all the techniques for attracting angels help here – mirrors, glass wind chimes, light colors etc.

Special aids to bring Raphael in would be the use of stones or scents. The strongest stone would be green apophylite.   Other stones would include:
- green agate
- green jade
- green aventurine
- emerald.

Scents would include:
- chamomile
- sandalwood
- lemon grass.

Candles would be green in green or clear holders. Be aware that when you light a candle it purifies the space by taking in anything negative.  When you blow out the candle the smoke is full of the impurities just absorbed and releases them back into the space.

To circumvent this problem, use floating candles.  You may also have a decorative bowl with about one third of a cup of water nearby.  The water will trap the negativity that is trapped in the smoke   Dispose of the water promptly by flushing it or throwing it outside.  Be careful not to let your hands come into contact with the water.

Invoking Raphael

Raphael is on the emerald crystal ray and is all about the color green.

If possible wear green or don a green prayer / meditation shawl.

For healing of self, visualize yourself totally immersed in a green mist and emitting a pulsing neon green glow.

For healing others do as above but also visualize that the energy being sent & received is green.

You can target a specific area by placing a time release pulsing green energy egg right where you wish to receive the healing energy.

Like other angels, Archangel Raphael is happy to assist where ever and whenever possible.

You need only say “Archangel Raphael, come.  I need you now to assist in healing and balancing this body.”

If you follow form and need something more formal, try:

“Archangel Raphael & your band of healer angels, I invite you to assist, advise & direct in the healing session on which we are embarking.”

More about Metatron
Metatron is a very powerful healing angel.  He specializes in misunderstood young children who are gifted and socially awkward.  He also protects children who are bullied at home, school or other venues.

One of Metatron’s names is Angel of Transformation.

Unlike other angels that heal with rays of energetic color, Metatron uses his cube – Metatron’s cube / merkabah cube – to accomplish healing.  He spins the merkabah to create a centrifugal force which repels all negativity.

Metatron’s cube

It is the map of creation – the fruit of life. It has he sacred umber 13. It is a symbol created using sacred geometry – 13 circles (nodes) joined by 78 lines (seeds) making the perfect containment for life.


Metatron’s color is violet green.  Using these colors will enhance your time with him. The best stone would be watermelon tourmaline but any combination of violet and green would work as well. 

The same can be said for candles

Two strong signs Metatron is near are:

1.        Metatron is known for his esoteric wisdom.  He is near when you get an answer to a request or an intent in a most unusual, outside the box kind of way.
2.        Metatron’s number is 11.  When you become aware or 11 or 11 11 on clocks, tickets, or billboards, you can be assured that Metatron is near as well the fact you are ascending on your spiritual path.

Invoking Metatron

You can simply say “Metatron – Come, I need you.”

If you feel the need for something more formal, you could go with the following:

“Metatron king of the angels and divine healer, assist me now with your cube that repels all negativity.  Guide me in the way I should go.”

Techniques Used in Weight Loss & Balance

Sacred number: 3396815

This is the sacred healing number. In its original Chinese, it is pronounced –

"Sahn Sahn Jiu Liu Ba Yau Wu"

This is the Chinese incantation for the number sequence. It can be chanted as a mantra to offer a holistic healing for any ailment in human body, including excess weight.

The sound of every integer in 3396815 energizes cellular vibration in a particular part of body. Repeatedly chanting “Sahn Sahn Jiu Liu Ba Yau Wu” energizes the cells in these areas to resonate in healthier perceptual structures and frequencies.

This special number sequence “Sahn Sahn Jiu Liu Ba Yau Wu” gives an internal message to the body's cells and organs.

It helps in stimulating an energy flow in a particular circuit within the body. Initiating from the chest (3,3), energy emits and flows down to the lower abdomen (9), across to the ribs(6), then up through the navel area(8), to the head (1), and finally, back down to the stomach(5). Repeatedly chanting 3396815 will help in stimulating energy flow continuously across the major organs and processes of your body in a healthy manner.

The more you chant this mantra, or the longer durations you utilize, the better results it will yield in your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects – by removing the energy blockages from the respective areas.

This mantra can be chanted at any time of the day, for the duration that can range from minutes to hours. You don’t need to have any separate pre-requisites to chant this mantra. It can be chanted while doing other activities too, such as while walking, taking shower, driving, cooking, etc. For weight loss you should chant this mantra for a longer duration of time.

Using the Mantra

If you are dubious of your ability to reproduce the Chinese sounds just use the number sequence.

At least once daily it should be performed thusly with its accompanying affirmation:

3396815       3396815           3396815

Soul, mind and body of my systems, cells, DNA and RNA – I love, honor and appreciate you.
You have the power to heal yourself.

Do a good job.

3396815     3396815     3396815

Thank you    Thank you      Thank you

Meditation / Prayer for Releasing Weight

Let’s think outside the box here.  If you have ever gone on diet or tried to lose weight by any method, you know and understand the phrases “can’t shake the weight off” or “those stubborn last pounds”.

It is possible that we have been going about this all wrong.  Perhaps instead of losing the excess weight, we should be releasing it.

This method is attributed to Archangel Raphael.

In a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted for 5-10 minutes, do the following:

1.        Close your eyes
2.        Take a few deep breaths in and out
3.        Ground
4.        Center
5.        Focus on yourself in general
6.        Now narrow the focus in on the excess weight
7.        Have the intention of having a conversation with the excess weight, aloud or silently, ask the excess weight: “Why are you with me? What purpose are you serving?”
8.        Wait and listen for an answer which might surprise you.  (Probably it I is trying to protect you from something.)
9.        Follow up the answer aloud or silently. For example, ask the excess weight “From what are you trying to protect me?”
10.      Now say to the excess weight:
“Thank you for your offer to protect me. I appreciate your help. But, From now on, though, I will protect myself without your help. You are now free to leave in a peacefully and healthfully fashion. I release you to light and love. Thank you.”

You will feel “lighter” after this conversation.

Everything responds positively to Love.  This approach allows you to have compassion for yourself and the weight.  

This method allows the weight to fall off to place of light and love where it will want to stay instead of pushing it just outside your aura or body where it has no with no place to go, and therefore falls back into your body. We are all too familiar with this yo-yo weight loss / weight gain syndrome!

Putting It All Together

1.        Prepare a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted or disturbed.
2.        Make it as ambient and as attractive to the angelic realm as possible.
3.        Invoke the angels. Think of the angels in general and Raphael and Metatron in particular in your choice of colors, etc.
4.        Chant the sacred number 3396815 (one or more times as you intuit.) Use the number if you are dubious about your ability to create the Chinese sounds.   
5.         Have the conversation with your weight.
6.        Close with “3396815”

Say the number sequence mantra daily as often as you intuit - at least twice daily.

The excess weight falls off in layers.  In the event you seem to hit a brick wall and are not progressing, have the conversation with your excess weight again.

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