Tuesday, January 29, 2019

A Medical Break through?

(Accounts of my life with the heavenly host).

I know that whatever door may open before you, you can choose glory by the way you carry yourself and walk through it.

At one point I experienced an exhausting decade of poor health both for myself and my 2 children.  Everything hit together and there is no other way to put it other than I was exhausted beyond the soul level.

I remember one doctor asking me if I "heard things that no one else heard, hallucinated or saw things that were not there".  Exhausted beyond the point of caring any more, I replied "No, just the band of angels around me."  

His head popped up from the chart, he stopped his hurricane of note scribbling, coughed and repeated the question.

I replied "Just my angels."

This was met with furious scribbling in the chart.
Once again, he raised his head and this time he said "Seriously, now."   

I responded "Seriously, how else do you think I can get through this?"

The doctor sighed and made a few more notations I could not see but have no doubt were remarks relating to my fragile and rapidly deteriorating mental state.

As the situation deteriorated, I saw him once or twice a month - always with the same litany of questions about seeing things that were not there and my responding that my angels, although not seen by him, were definitely around me.

On one particularly difficult day, as I dragged myself into the office and plopped myself into the chair, he put his chart down, looked me straight in the eye, and said "I am not a religious man, but you have convinced me about the existence of your angels - no one could get to the point that you are without them."

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Art of Allowing Diane Faist

The Art of Allowing!
~ by Diane 

November is focusing on Angel Arielle. This information is from the deck (Messages from your Angels, Oracle Cards, by Doreen Virtue), “New psychic and spiritual experiences are changing the way you view the world and yourself. Allow your spiritual gifts to open…through study, prayer and meditation. ”

Angel Arielle is helping you to relax into who you really are at the core. You really do have spiritual “superpowers”. Maybe you have strong intuition or a deep inner knowing about life. We each have our own unique gifts. Since you are feeling called to reach out and stretch your awareness, your experiential learning is growing exponentially. This is happening because you are asking about angels and your life purpose. Hooray, how exciting! Do not worry or stress over this. Remember these are spiritual gifts. You are amazing inside and out. These abilities are for you and to share with others. This will all happen naturally. Just be in the flow of the energy. 
The angels will help you make additional connections via teachers, books, classes etc. to further your learning and deepens your experiences. All of this will help you to increase your confidence in your spiritual connections and abilities. The earth needs you to shine bright and share your gifts. Connect to divine love and light. Get grounded and connected to your purpose daily. And often multiple times a day. Set your intention each day to send beams of pure love and light energy to those in need. This can be an individual person, plant, animal, place or situation. If you practice this healing energy with others, it increases the power and potency.

I refer to this new way of living in the current day and age, as the Art of Allowing! It is no longer productive to over-think everything in our minds. I’m not sure it ever did really help. But most of us were raised in a time of you need to work hard, or put in your time, and plan everything out ahead of time.  While there still may be times for this in life, school, career etc. where your mind is in the drivers seat of life— I have found on my spiritual journey, that by always putting my heart first and trusting my intuition/gut feeling that my life just clicks into place with grace and ease. 
Focus on what is most important to you! Have more fun. Be Silly. Practice the Art of Allowing and the Universe will guide your path of discovery full of joyful adventure. The rest will fall into place. We have a lot more positive impact than we realize.  Thank you, Angels, for all your assistance.

Abundant Blessings to you and yours… Diane Faist

You ave a Natural Gift! Diane Faist

Amid Angels; October 2018

You have a natural gift for helping people through comfort and inspiration. 
~ by Diane

 October is focusing on Angel Akasha. This information is from the deck (Messages from your Angels, Oracle Cards, by Doreen Virtue), “You are a spiritual teacher. You have the ability to counsel others and help them awaken their spiritual gifts and Divine life mission.”

Angel Akasha wants you to know that you have already helped many people, just by being you. Now is the time to stretch yourself and reach even more people. Just close your eyes and take several deep breaths, do not stress over this. Your heart will communicate with you to let you know if the next steps will be through speaking, writing, art, music or something else. Just play with these ideas and have some fun.
Notice if you are being drawn to an age group: teenagers, seniors, children or adults with addictions? Maybe a cause keeps calling out to you: animals, literacy, the homeless or another area? These are simply a few choices from a plethora of options. Are you hearing any receptive messages? Do you feel called to certain areas? This is not an accident. Please pay attention. The Universe/Spirit/Divine is calling to you, Are you listening?

Hmm… Do you even see yourself as a spiritual teacher? Some of you already feel this calling, For others, this may still be revealing itself to you. Have you given much thought to how this is actually going to happen? No worries… Maybe you easily relate to large groups of people. Or you could be someone who feels more comfortable communicating one on one. Either way, you can easily guide and direct others to their strengths one step at a time. The best way to begin is by daydreaming about what you enjoy. Or maybe nighttime dreams reveal a lot or bring up a lot of questions. All of this is fine. It is simply like tilling the soil before you plant the seeds. Focus on what you love and let go of all the details. Overthinking the details just slows the process. 

Regardless of where you end up when you begin, it is always the right place. Think of yourself like a sailboat in the wind, literally going with the flow of the current. With your support, you are helping others to uncover and polish their hidden skills, talents and abilities. And of course this is helping you, too. Many times we need to be at peace and operate in the ‘flow’ to really connect with our creativity. To follow this path, you need to regularly dedicate time and effort to reaching these aspirations. The best part is, you are already on this path. Just keep moving forward. 

Reach out to me for a free connect call. I will help you tune into your gifts and help others.

Expect Magic and Miracles… Diane

Come from Your Heart...Diane Faist

Come from your heart and dream big. You can have all your wishes come true
~ by Diane 

In December, I am focusing on Angel Astara. This information is from the deck (Messages from your Angels, Oracle Cards, by Doreen Virtue), “You deserve the best! Reach for the stars with your dreams and desires, and don’t compromise.”

You may be doing a lot of wondering and questioning these days. More than your normal amount. That is ok, please no judgment. And this is not all in your imagination. You are reading this article for a very important reason. You have gifts that go way beyond those we are taught in school. Angel Astara will help you with grace and ease to accept your strengths and abilities as a heavenly gift Because that is what they are. These are not new gifts, you have had them your entire life. But you are now at a time and place to accept these abilities and deepen your understanding of them. This is a beautiful awareness. Take it one step at a time. Be mindful of who you discuss these abilities with— choose only those that you deeply trust. Have a lot of fun with this experience. Ask the angels to help you adjust to these divine abilities to process information for you and for others if you choose. 

Moving forward into 2019, the energy is actually getting lighter and easier to manage if you allow it. Ask for angelic support as you enter the surrender, faith, flow, trust system of maneuvering through your life every day.

Reach out to me for a free connect call and I’ll help you reach for the stars~

Expect Magic and Miracles… Diane