Monday, May 28, 2018

Vibrational Sound Training - half way point!

This past week, I had the privilege of being one of 10 students taking the  6 day vibrational sound association certification course in Columbus Ohio. 

We have now hit the half way mark.
It’s been a real blast!  10 students, over 350 assorted singing bowls plus assorted gongs, chakra drums & other sound toys.  And mallets and strikers of all shapes & sizes.

There were the standard bowls that you would expect to find plus new innovative ideas like the halo – a bowl with a hole in the bottom.  It has many applications- place a knee or any sore joint through the hole and then when the bowl is struck, the vibrations from the bowl can penetrate the joint 360°.

We handled a wide variety of bowls to learn about the different kinds of bowls-cast, hammered and ancient.  As well, we had lots of hands on experience with different metals so as to understand when and why to use the different types -aluminum, bronze, brass or another.

Before learning any of the treatment techniques, we had to immerse ourselves in the understanding of the bowls even further.  Using various different strikers plus balloons and water, we visualized the way each bowl and mallet created vibrational waves and how the waves distributed themselves through air, bodies, tables and clothing.

Practicing the techniques on each other has just begun and the common descriptive word is W-O-W!!

Sessions are fabulous stress busters, done fully clothed, run 50 minutes, cost $70.

If you would like the WOW experience and live in the Columbus area or will be visiting the Columbus, do contact me Connie and  we’ll set up something convenient.

Watch for follow-up for an end report of the seminar conference in this blog over the next few days

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Sedona Rocks! My afternoon in Sedona

Dear Healers and Seekers,

Connie here!
Sedona Rocks
How can I tell you about my Sedona May, 2018 trip in 350 words?
This is a summary of one day in Sedona – getting beyond the tourist experience. I did all the touristy things but I also took one afternoon just for me. So, I’ll share with you my sacred Sedona experience.

In one’s enthusiasm, it is easy to forget that no matter what time of year you visit, it is still the desert and the temperature will be in the 100 degree range -a challenge for many those who don’t handle heat well. Definitely dress for comfort!

Know that although Sedona is a huge tourist and metaphysical attraction, you will be accessing it through the Phoenix Airport. There are no flights from Phoenix to Sedona which are separated by a 2 hour car ride. You really do have to rent a car just to get there.
Once at Sedona there are no shortage of companies ready to take your money for tours and the like. I recommend the “road less traveled.” Steer clear of the publicized tours and outings -the un-air conditioned Pink Flamingo bus tours and off road jeep tours. They will certainly give you the touristy view of Sedona. I wanted more.

I hired a professional guide at a rate of $100 for the afternoon. Sounds pricey but really works out to the same or less than the commercial options once you add everything up. I told my guide to take me to where he meditated. My afternoon was spent in an air conditioned personal off road vehicle. We went deep into the red rocks and then deeper still. The air began to become dense and to vibrate as we began to enter deeper past the tourist zone. I noticed that the vibration “matched” that of my Parkinson’s and my tremoring was silenced at a very deep level. We went further still into red rocks and came to a stop where the air was so dense with vibration that the rocks actually hummed. The trees were grotesquely twisted and mangled from vortex energy. As I picked up some of the loose red rocks thinking to take one home with me, I was compelled to put them back where I had found them. I was overwhelmed with the sense that each one held the story of a native Indian who once lived there and removing the rock what would remove him from his birthright, his support system, and his family. It was an awesome and sacred experience.

We returned to “the real world” as the sun began to set, flooding the red rocks and turning them into a tapestry of maroon, silver, purple, blue and .more.

Take the road less travelled. There’s so much to see.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

New Attunements

New attunements
- empower your self & then pass it on to others for or profit by following  the easy steps in the free attunement on to others manual.
Opening the Ascension Chakra
Open Ascentsion Chakra

Sacred Universal Healing Number Attunement
Universal Sacred Number  Attunement

check it out - click here

Lemurian DNA Healing Codes
Lemurian  DNA Healing Codes
Meditation / Attunement Video Quartet
Meditation/Attunement Quartet

Angels and Weight Loss Attunement
Angel Weight Loss

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Angel oracle cards Diane

Shhh… Are you listening? 

by Diane

In our busy, crazy lives, we all feel disconnected and lost at times.
 One of my favorite ways to feel more connected…is by communicating with my Angels. I do it everyday, throughout my day. 
And I always pause, quiet my mind and listen for their response. For me, it is not like having a live conversation with a store clerk. I usually prefer  to be in my quiet time to hear their messages clearly. I do not usually “see” my angels with my human eyes, yet I do at times sense a “presence”
I may be in meditation, out in nature, working in my garden ….or even in my dreams.
 But before we get in too deep, I need to mention that I always start and end my day by connecting to divine energy and getting grounded into the earth. (You can see articles on these topics on my blog at And, I want to emphasize that even though we do get scared/lost/overwhelmed etc…. we are always surrounded by Angels…. you are never alone! All you need to do is “Ask” for help… in any way that makes sense to you. 
The angels are always listening, but only take action when you ask for help. You can even ask for a message/sign/symbol like a feather, song, repeating numbers (11:11) or a rainbow if it calls to you. But be careful not to turn the into a game… or a need for cognitive proof. This is a sacred activity, that I rely on daily.
There are so many angels that I can talk about with you. Yes, we can talk to our Angels and interpret their responses. But for many, that can seem really tricky and even daunting at times. So, I will start with one of my first and still favorite decks of Angel Oracle Cards: “Messages From Your Angels” by Doreen Virtue. There is no need be afraid or intimidated by these tools. Using Oracle Cards is very safe.  They are easy to use and they communicate to you through images, words and your intuitive feelings. Yes, we all do have a sense of intuition or “gut” feeling. It is just a matter of acknowledging your intuition, practicing with this divine gift and learning to trust it.   
Here is an example of a card from the deck - Archangel Michael .  His message is “I am with you, giving you the courage to make life changes that will help you work on your Divine Life Purpose” 

This image is from my deck of oracle cards App on my iPhone. But you can also get them as physical, hold in your hands, cards. I have both kinds of decks. The ones on my phone are very convenient because they are always with me! I use them regularly to do readings for myself… as well as doing reading for clients. 
Just to clarify—Oracle Cards can be easier to start with than Tarot for some people (myself included). This was all new to  me and I needed to feel safe when I started. {Tarot cards are fine, too, if you have an interest. I, of course, started with Angel Tarot Cards!}
 Since I was initially feeling pulled in the direction of Angel Oracle Cards,  I jumped in and started to learn. Those of you who are already familiar with Oracle and Tarot can experiment with a variety of decks and digital or physical decks to see which ones meet your needs the best. You can also start by getting reading from others if you do not want to purchase your own decks. 
Angel Oracle Cards are always uplifting and positive with inspiration and guidance to support you on your unique path. These decks usually jump out (lol) and choose you. Just listen to your repetitive messages and what you are being called toward. If it doesn’t feel good to me, I just walk away. Once you choose a deck, it comes with instructions on how to use it. Familiarize yourself by looking at and touching each card so you see all the cards in your new deck. 
Before you use your deck to do a reading, you can clear the deck with an intention, prayer, selenite crystal etc. Look deep into the imagery, read the words on each card (as well as the information booklet) to get more familiar with the cards. After you practice using these cards on yourself, try them out on a friend or family member you trust. Or even do a card reading for your child/grandchild or pet. Enjoy this experience, and I hope it brings you peace, answers and insights for moving forward.  And remember, always Thank Your Angels!

Expect Magic and Miracles…Diane

Saturday, May 5, 2018

YOU are Special Event May 6,7, 2018


brought to you by
celebrating your uniqueness and offering
you tools to embrace your power and walk forward in it...
making a difference in the world!

Activate your DNA healng                                                                     codes! ($50 retail value)
11 mini attuenments-approx 15 minutes

Sunday 06 May  8pm Eastern  Sunday click here

Monday 07 May   09am Eastern  Monday click here

Just enter virtual room by clicking on the desired link.
Not effective if not all done at once so be on time or come to the next option.