Friday, February 27, 2015

Angel Pathiel Opens the Gates of Manifestation

Not much is written about this ArchAngel.  He is most commonly called   Pathiel but is also seen as Padmiel and Pattiel.

He is grouped with the abundance angels and the money angels.

His name means "the opener" and he opens the gates of manifestation to create abundance and prosperity.

Write out your wish list.  Surrender it to Pathiel.  Trust that you have been heard and your desires will become manifest.

Pathiel Opens the Gates of Manifestation

Pathiel's name means “the opener.” He is the one to call on if you want to open the gates of manifestation to create abundance and prosperity. Write a request and ask Pathiel for your wishes and desires. Then surrender your list to Pathiel and trust that your prayers have been heard and will be answered.

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