Tuesday, January 29, 2019

A Medical Break through?

(Accounts of my life with the heavenly host).

I know that whatever door may open before you, you can choose glory by the way you carry yourself and walk through it.

At one point I experienced an exhausting decade of poor health both for myself and my 2 children.  Everything hit together and there is no other way to put it other than I was exhausted beyond the soul level.

I remember one doctor asking me if I "heard things that no one else heard, hallucinated or saw things that were not there".  Exhausted beyond the point of caring any more, I replied "No, just the band of angels around me."  

His head popped up from the chart, he stopped his hurricane of note scribbling, coughed and repeated the question.

I replied "Just my angels."

This was met with furious scribbling in the chart.
Once again, he raised his head and this time he said "Seriously, now."   

I responded "Seriously, how else do you think I can get through this?"

The doctor sighed and made a few more notations I could not see but have no doubt were remarks relating to my fragile and rapidly deteriorating mental state.

As the situation deteriorated, I saw him once or twice a month - always with the same litany of questions about seeing things that were not there and my responding that my angels, although not seen by him, were definitely around me.

On one particularly difficult day, as I dragged myself into the office and plopped myself into the chair, he put his chart down, looked me straight in the eye, and said "I am not a religious man, but you have convinced me about the existence of your angels - no one could get to the point that you are without them."

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