Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Who Am I? How did I get to I where I am? Where am I going? How do I get there from here?

Who Am I?  How did I get to I where I am?
Where am I going? How do I get there from here?
Hmm….think about it…

If you are:
-feeling “different” or ”distant” from family or friends
-are not holding the same interests you once held
-needing less sleep than you used to
-just antsy or restless
-just can’t figure out why you’re here
-feel like time is just flying by,
you are probably experiencing “Ascension” or “The Shift”     

Below is the energetic answer. You might have to read it more than once to get your mind around it. But if you “get it”, it can be life changing.

You are energy. Words are energy. Thoughts are energy.

Each of us is born with a very unique energy pattern or energy signature as it is sometimes called. We are each divinely and wondrously created in this uniqueness to fulfil a specific purpose (soul’s calling).

When that energy signature becomes contaminated or altered, we can no longer do that which we are called to in the way that we were called to do it.

Very early on, we unconsciously allow others to make changes to that signature. This alters our authentic self and starts our journey away from who we are, our uniqueness, and why we are called to be here.

For example, if in my unique energy signature, I am sitting  merrily drawing purple snow flakes and Someone comes along and says to me “What’s wrong with you? Don’t you know snowflakes are not purple?”
The correct response is to reply ”No I didn’t know snow flakes were not purple” and to carry on drawing my purple snow flakes if I wanted.

Instead I receive the idea/the energy signature that there is something wrong with me because I don't know that horses aren’t purple.

I allow this belief this energy signature into my unique energy signature that I came to earth with. This alters my energy signature/pattern and takes me away from that which I was created to do. It also puts a blockage in my pathway and my journey back to the heart of God.

From very early on we allow others to place their beliefs and their energy patterns (“thin is good”, “doctors are more important than bakers”, “math is more important than singing”, “women do the sewing”, plus countless little and large pieces of energy that we don’t even consciously know that we are receiving) into ours thus corrupting the unique energy pattern that is each one of us. 

These foreign energy signatures form blockages in our own energy signature. They prevent us from being our authentic selves; knowing our authentic selves: living our authentic lives and walking authentically on our life’s journey, the path to our soul’s purpose and our reunion with the heart of God.

I will be presenting a number of classes through Reiki Awakening Academy: Online School for Intuitive Development which will give you tools to locate your authentic self as well as foster it and get you back on the path to your return to the heart of God.

Think about it. These changes are made mostly on an unconscious level.   You are energy. Words are energy. Thoughts are energy.  

 Your energy needs some cleaning and repair.

Check in regularly during the month of May at this website or at

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