Sunday, April 26, 2015

My Angel "Certification"


My Angel Certification

To me seeing angels everywhere is the norm; not to see them would be abnormal.

As I daily walked with real angels, people started asking me questions.  As I answered, more and more people came. While totally confident in my angel messages, answers and pictures, as an energy worker, I knew there were numerous “angel training / certification” programs in the world. I decided that it would be the proper and responsible thing for me to complete a good one – the sooner the better.

Yikes - well over $2,000!!  Well surely Spirit would provide! So I sat at my kitchen table, bank book and different angel course registration forms in front of me and began juggling accounts about in an attempt to find some workable solution to my “angel certification” dilemma.

Totally engrossed in what was becoming an increasingly difficult problem, a voice I innately knew as the voice of God said out loud, “What are you doing?”

“Trying to figure out how to become angel certified.” I replied without missing a beat.

“I can certify you.” replied the Voice.

“You can?” I said incredulously.

“Certainly – I created them and I can certify you in them.” the Voice responded in a matter of fact tone.

‘’But what about all the cherubim, the seraphim and all the Thee’s and Thou’s and names I cannot begin to pronounce?” I gasped.

A gentle warm chuckle spread though the room as the Voice said back to me “Get with it woman!  While acknowledging all these things, this is the 21st century! I’ve got angels for computers and all sorts of gizmos you guys have not even invented yet!! I have angels with names foreign to you.  I also have angels with names like Gregory (seer) and Andrew (strong) and Joy. These ‘every day’ angels have much to offer.”

“OK“ I said, “Show me.”

So began a marvelous and on-going adventure.

*since the writing of this article, I have become a certified Realm Reader (Doreen Virute) and was a finalist in the Reader's Choice Awards (Angel Inuit category).

Friday, April 24, 2015

My Special Angel

My Special Angel

Although I have seen many, many angels, this un-named one is dear to my heart and she appears in many variations of color and theme in almost everything I do.

          I get many questions about her – especially why I do not make her "fluffy and angel-like".
The answer is simple. She appeared this way!

One afternoon, I took a nasty fall. Carrying a full load of laundry, I could not see that the next step - second from the top - had a carton of Mountain Dew on it.  I flipped over the case and fell head long down the full flight of stairs.  I was alone, badly shaken and could not call out for help or reach a phone.

Just as my head was hitting the wall at the bottom of the stairs I felt a “cushion” materialize to break my fall. Looking up, I saw that it was not a cushion but part of the raiment of the hugest heavenly being I could ever imagine.  All facial features were obliterated by an unearthly white light; the hair was every color yet colorless.  As well the raiment and wings were a kaleidoscope of every texture, color and experience in earth and heaven.  No earthly words can capture the splendor. 

          The angel quite matter-of-factly appeared, picked me up, dusted me off and sent me on my way without so much as a scratch or a bruise to show for the incident. A sprinkling of laundry all over the room was the only testament to the fact that something had gone awry.  I was stuck in a time warp.  The incident seemed to last forever but at the same time was timeless and transpired in just a moment of time.

The angel did not give a name and I did not think to ask. So now, I just fondly say “my angel” or “Connie’s angel”.

Some angels may be "light and fluffy" but a big strong one suits me just fine

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Who Am I? How did I get to I where I am? Where am I going? How do I get there from here?

Who Am I?  How did I get to I where I am?
Where am I going? How do I get there from here?
Hmm….think about it…

If you are:
-feeling “different” or ”distant” from family or friends
-are not holding the same interests you once held
-needing less sleep than you used to
-just antsy or restless
-just can’t figure out why you’re here
-feel like time is just flying by,
you are probably experiencing “Ascension” or “The Shift”     

Below is the energetic answer. You might have to read it more than once to get your mind around it. But if you “get it”, it can be life changing.

You are energy. Words are energy. Thoughts are energy.

Each of us is born with a very unique energy pattern or energy signature as it is sometimes called. We are each divinely and wondrously created in this uniqueness to fulfil a specific purpose (soul’s calling).

When that energy signature becomes contaminated or altered, we can no longer do that which we are called to in the way that we were called to do it.

Very early on, we unconsciously allow others to make changes to that signature. This alters our authentic self and starts our journey away from who we are, our uniqueness, and why we are called to be here.

For example, if in my unique energy signature, I am sitting  merrily drawing purple snow flakes and Someone comes along and says to me “What’s wrong with you? Don’t you know snowflakes are not purple?”
The correct response is to reply ”No I didn’t know snow flakes were not purple” and to carry on drawing my purple snow flakes if I wanted.

Instead I receive the idea/the energy signature that there is something wrong with me because I don't know that horses aren’t purple.

I allow this belief this energy signature into my unique energy signature that I came to earth with. This alters my energy signature/pattern and takes me away from that which I was created to do. It also puts a blockage in my pathway and my journey back to the heart of God.

From very early on we allow others to place their beliefs and their energy patterns (“thin is good”, “doctors are more important than bakers”, “math is more important than singing”, “women do the sewing”, plus countless little and large pieces of energy that we don’t even consciously know that we are receiving) into ours thus corrupting the unique energy pattern that is each one of us. 

These foreign energy signatures form blockages in our own energy signature. They prevent us from being our authentic selves; knowing our authentic selves: living our authentic lives and walking authentically on our life’s journey, the path to our soul’s purpose and our reunion with the heart of God.

I will be presenting a number of classes through Reiki Awakening Academy: Online School for Intuitive Development which will give you tools to locate your authentic self as well as foster it and get you back on the path to your return to the heart of God.

Think about it. These changes are made mostly on an unconscious level.   You are energy. Words are energy. Thoughts are energy.  

 Your energy needs some cleaning and repair.

Check in regularly during the month of May at this website or at

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

It's easier than you thought to write a book and get it out there.


an excerpt from the Reiki Awakening Academy newsletter 21 April 2015
check it out at the link below
while there, sign up to receive future newsletters delivered direct to YOUR email box

Do you have a book in you?

Connie has written 13 books! Talk about prolific! Talk about an expert! You're talking about Connie!

People often think that it's expensive to write a book, or that it's hard to get a book published. And, if you do write a book, it's hard to promote.
None of these is true. 

Connie has decided to share what she's learned in her journey of self-publishing, and is offering RAA students this informative free class called How to Write a Book and Get it Out There. 

In the class, she'll explain all the steps you need to write and publish your book and get it automatically listed on Amazon without cost. She'll tell you how to make sure it's commercial-ready, and why writing it is an important step in promoting your business, products, or practice. You'll learn from an expert.

And, because Connie has just published her 13th book, Advanced Auras and Chakras: Keeping it Simple, you'll also get to hear her share some excerpts from it.

To make the class even more awesome, Connie has said that all participants will receive a discount code for her new book AND the first six people (or maybe more, if you know Connie!) who arrive will receive a free reading based on Connie’s intuitive viewing of their chakra system.
AND we will raffle off a copy of her book for one lucky person in attendance!
There will be additional surprises and freebies too - yes, it's a class and a book launch party all in one!

Yay, RAA! We're celebrating Spring!

The class will be on Tuesday, May 5th at 7 pm EST. Register soon to save your spot.