Petals On Wings
Schedule a 30 minute intuitive reading & get another 30 minutes free!!!
Petals on Wings provides for our clients tools, methods, and strategies for self development that help them in accomplishing their life’s purpose. We teach our clients about living and loving in our many live classes at various venues and online classes at ReikiAwakeningAcademy.
The Angels use us as Agents of Transformation to assist in finding answers to life’s questions through our intuitive readings.
We have expanded. Marsha Bennie was trained by Eric Pearl and The Reconnection team. Presently Petals on Wings offers Reconnective Healing® sessions and The Reconnection® which works with a frequency never seen before on the planet Earth. It goes beyond any technique. We have seen this work assist thousands with reconnecting them to Source and with the evolution of their being. Petals on Wings offers Reconnective Healing® sessions as live and distance sessions. After receiving advanced training Reconnective Healing® sessions are also offered with animals.
Until the January 30, 2012 Petals on Wings will have a special offer for our online clients. When you schedule a 30 minute intuitive reading at you will receive an additional 30 minutes as our gift to help you start your New Year off with guidance and direction. After scheduling the 30 minute intuitive reading please email us at with this promotional code: POWAngels60. You are also welcome to call us at 305-420-6776.
The New Year is here! Do your petals have wings?
Do Your Petals Have Wings?
I searched throughout my life for some type of connection to something. I was not sure what that something was. I looked for it in other people. I moved to many places and searched for it in many things.
About 2 years ago I found myself at a point that nothing was working. My life was completely upside down. I was disconnected from my family. I had few friends. My career was in shambles. My physical, emotional, and spiritual health was destroyed. This was after years of being an “over achiever”. I found myself alone and crying out to God to help me while I trying to sleep in the parking lot of a McDonald’s because I had no place to go and no one to turn to.
My world was not always chaotic. As I child I was filled with hopes and dreams that were bigger than the sky. I would pick a flower. The first petal would be yes to my question and then next petal would be no. I would continue until I had just one petal left on that flower. The last petal gave me the final affirmative or negative answer to my question.
One day I realized that I could not do this alone. I did not have the tools or answers to how my life should be. I finally turned to God for help. The trail of petals that surrounded my life I finally let go of. I gave them to God and the Universe. He picked up all of my worn and torn petals and placed them on wings. My life changed.
My desires were no longer wondering. They were on wings and they began to come true. My hopes were no longer scattered on the floor. They were on wings and became people and things that I could see and touch. My dreams flew from the heavens and landed at my feet.
I believe that everyone still has that little child inside of them that picks petals desiring, hoping, and dreaming for the right answer. I have experienced in my own life that whatever the question is the answer is to become in alignment with God
Thus this year resulting in the creation of Petals On Wings, LLC, a company that provides tools for self development in order to fulfill you life’s purpose. We provide classes on a wide range of topics, intuitive readings, Reconnective Healing® sessions and The Reconnection®.
Do your petals have wings?
If you are ready to find tools for your life to soar, you can contact us at